We began our wait through the sun and the heat. The start of the long line is right alongside the water side of the pier which provided us the constant launch noise of California Screaming, which gets pretty annoying fast. As the line stretches on they hold up the sidewalk to get groups past and from there we had to zig and zag through the lovely lines until we got to the first indoor portion of the line. Inside here were posters for some of the games we were about to play, but to easily make one forget about that was the heat. The room does not do well with the summer and body heat, while there are fans inside the room they do nothing, except probably make it hotter. Added to it all the screaming and crying kids who definitely did not want to be standing in that line for 5 more minutes let alone another 30+
The heat enjoyed making my hair wavy. Also Disney asks that you wear your 3-D Glasses over your sunglasses to make the game that much more fun.
The Ride itself is everything I hoped it would be and more. Though it was only the first time I rode it the guns are fairly easy to use. My only mistake was that I was not letting the string that you use to fire the gun return all the way before attempting to fire again- or I was not pushing it back in enough. Once you get the hang of aiming and firing the weapon its a blast to play the different games throughout the ride, be careful though because some targets may do some various things that catch you off guard.
Obviously Adam having already been on the ride and knowing what to expect beat me though I feel that I did pretty good.
Afterwards we were going to go to ESPN Zone for dinner and to watch the game- but we were informed there would be no free tables till after the game. When we left we noticed the large crowd sitting outside just watching the game on the tv.
We ended up leaving the overcrowded parks to have dinner and watch the game at Red Robin where Adam and I laughed.
Hopefully we will take a trip soon with our pal Yoda to continue on our Disneyland quest.