So yesterday I (Ruben) went to the parks Sans Adam, he was caught up with The Pats and Avs games to which now he must avenge them like Simba avenged his fathers death. Being a weekend the parks were a little too crowded for my liking. But I still got on the rides that mattered. A tip for those going to the NBC Haunted Mansion- Get in line during the fireworks. We did this last night and the wait was only 30 minutes, way better than the 60+ the rest of the day. Being that I did not grab my camera when leaving yesterday all I have are some lovely cameraphone pictures, I came so close to my high score on TSMM yesterday- still something for Adam to try and top.

Also being thats its Halloween time they had some decorations up my favorite being this

Cheshire Cat pumpkin. How rad.

They had some Day Of The Dead things up nearby Big Thunder Mountain, I thought that they were pretty rad.