The Parks were easily the most crowded I had seen them all summer, which is kinda weird since technically summer is over. Our first destination was going to be the Princess Fair because I personally wanted some pictures with some princesses. We took the Railroad around to Toontown where I noticed the line for Rodger Rabbit was insanely long, and unfortunately we realized the line for the Princess Fair was also insanely long. Since we had other plans we made our way back to the entrance of Disneyland and over to California Adventure.
While there we rode Heimlich's Train, which... just has some of the funniest Dialogue I have heard, then we went off to get a good spot for the ever so amazing Pixar's Play Parade. Which if you haven't seen is easily one of the most fun parades with a catchy song to it. My good friend Mychal (who can be seen in the picture of us with Sorcerer Mickey in the previous post) is a green army man in the parade which is why we finally saw it the other day.
After the parade we met up with another one of my good friends Lindsey and we got on California Screamin'- which we don't do enough, as well as the Tower of Terror.
I'm pretty sure I creeped out some lady on Tower, but thats half the fun.
Here are some pictures below, Adam will add the ones from the rides when he gets home later.